Low-waste Wash-out Fabric Markers
I am calling these low-waste markers as I did with the iron away markers that are similar, because again I have bought the refill part with out the extra outer plastic casing. Its a win for the environment and they are quite a bit less expensive this way.
They have ball point ends and flow easily with light pressure. Always re-cap them firmly and store them with the writing tip pointed downward. Like others of this type of fabric marker, the ends will clog if they get dry.
To remove the pen markings from the fabric put your finished stitching in a bowl of room temperature clear water and let the fabric soak until the markings disappear. Rinse with clean water. The disappearing happens faster with some colours than others so be patient, especially with reds. Also, the red tends to transfer to any cloth that it is touching in the water so take care to avoid that when soaking.
If you feel you will need the extra stability the width the outer casing gives, I have some available here also. They are re-usable, so you can use one for several colours by unscrewing the top and changing the 're-fill'
- use with stencils, and for free hand designing
- having several colours allows you to plan colour changes.
- re-fill is 5 1/4" long
- casing is 5 1/2" long (this pen casing does not fit the low-waste iron away refills)
- I have used these on cotton & on linen fabrics and they washed out completely in lukewarm water and a short soak, but please test on your fabric if you a planning an important project.
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